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Writing Content

Help writing and creating content for your website
8 articles

How to write effective Marketing Copy

How to Write Marketing Copy 8 Magic Phrases #1: The If-Then Statement “If you’ve tried all kinds of diets and exercise programs, bought all the gadgets from TV and none of them worked, then I’ve got something I think you’re going to be really interested in,”When you follow the “then” with a description...

How to write Church Marketing Copy

How to Write Church Marketing Copy Following the Storybrand Framework while maintaining theological rigor Premise: The problem of church marketing. Developing marketing collateral (the “who, what, why, and how” that you communicate to the world) is (ought to be) an intense exercise in ecclesiology & mi...

Creating Organizational Vision

General When will your vision be realized? How will you know that you have achieved it? What do you want your company to be based upon? What idea most represents the foundation of your company? Why this idea? How can you take your idea and turn it into a story that connects with your customers, empl...

Usability Principles for Ministry Websites

The guiding principle for effective websites is, after excellent content, usability—that is, making the content easily accessible to the users. Usability is a higher priority than everything else, including looks.This document outlines the usability principles that we recommend for governing your ...

Web Usability Overview

At it's core, our craft is about two things: Content & Interface (for that content.) Your content is the reason your site exists. The whole task of Web design is getting the users of your site to the content they need as efficiently and pleasantly as possible.As such our core philosophy is usability...

Information Architecture Overview

Wise information architecture is the backbone of every excellent content-rich Web site. Lack of expertise in information architecture is the reason that nearly every site of any depth on the Internet is difficult to use.In order to create an incredible, effective Web site, we are going to pair Mere’...

How to use headings to guide your visitors

HTML headings are sections of your web page, and range from H1 (most priority) to H6 (least priority). In general, the H1 is used for the title of the individual page (for MereChurch sites, your page title will be an H1). Think of headings as creating an outline of the contents of your page. As such...

Choosing good photos for your church website

In the era of smartphones, it's never been easier to obtain excellent photos of your congregation for use on your website. Remember the old saying: "A photo is worth a thousand words," and the same will be true for the people visiting your website to learn about you for the first time. How to get go...