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New 2024 Email Deliverability Requirements

In 2024, GMail, Yahoo, and other major email providers are updating their requirements about email deliverability. You may have gotten a notification from your email service (We recommend Google Worksapce) about this update. Luckily, sending email from your domain is easy to do once you've configured everything properly! 

Domain Email Inboxes

Your email provider is set up to send email from [email protected]. To set this up, it has been sufficient in the past to configure SPF/MX records on your domain name. If we manage your domain for you, then we have configured MX records to make sure you can send messages successfully. 

Starting in 2024, it will be a requirement to add a DKIM record to your domain to make sure that your domain is verified and trusted by email providers. 

Here is how to generate a DKIM record for your Google Workspace email

When you get to step 2, "Add the TXT record name & DKIM key to your domain," let us know at [email protected] and we can add that record to your domain registration. 

Here is how to generate a DKIM record for your Outlook email

When you reach step 4, "Publish the copied CNAME records to your DNS service provider", let us know at [email protected] and we can add that record to your domain registration. 


Adding a DMARC record provides an extra layer of security and allows you to generate a report of all emails that did not pass authentication. You can configure these to send to any domain-based email address of your choice. Here is more information about DMARC records on Google Workspace.

If you would like us to add a DMARC record for you, simply email [email protected] with the email address you would like to receive reports at, and we can configure that for you (Please note that DMARC cannot be added until DKIM records have been on the domain for 48 hours).

Website Email

If you are a WordPress client, we've almost certainly configured your website to send via SMTP (we have two partners for this: and SendGrid, depending on your host). This entails generating a new DNS record that 'authorizes' the website to make use of your domain email services.

If you are a client, your website email is configured directly at our host. Since it is a requirement for us to manage your website domain registration in order to use the platform, you shouldn't need to worry about form submissions and other website email notifications not reaching you or your visitors. 

(If you are experiencing problems, please file a support ticket!)


Email sending can be complicated, and there's a lot to keep straight! We are here to help —if you run into any issues, please let us know at [email protected] and we can take care of you. Thanks so much for being a great Mere client!