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General help and how-to for MereChurch websites
9 articles

Image features on your website

Last Updated: July 25, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.6.6.Anywhere you can upload an image to your website (promo image, page header image, social media image, and so on), you can take advantage of the following features: Crop: Select a rectangle out of the image to display on the site. This is a non-des...

Why can't I find 'Events' or 'Resources' pages in my Pages menu?

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.Some of your website's pages are generated automatically by the platform. These pages usually interact with other features on your website, like your resource library or events calendar. Here's a full list of these 'generated' pages: Resources archive...

Known Platform Issues

These are known issues with no fix planned:Cannot set a page to be a child of /resources, /events, /people. In other words, page slugs can not include reserved paths for MereChurch generated pages. These issues are known and fixes will be in progress as soon as possible: 5/21: Cannot set a single ve...

Why did I get an Alert email from is our partner that powers the CMS (content management system) underneath your MereChurch website. Because of the way Sanity assigns user roles, everybody with access to your MereChurch is an administrator. This means that all administrators will receive Sanity alerts. We're in communicati...

"Why doesn't MereChurch include Feature X?"

MereChurch is built from the ground up to be super fast, super focused on church's needs, and super stable.One of the ways this serves you is that you don't have to deal with years of legacy options, settings, and confusing toggles littered throughout the program screens. In general, MereChurch is r...

Add pastors, people, and staff members to your website

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.Adding staff members and pastors to your MereChurch website is simple! Just navigate to People > All People, and click the pencil icon to start adding people to your website. These people will be the available authors in your resource library, as well...

Add forms to your website

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.Your MereChurch comes with powerful tools to create and manage forms and embed them on your pages! Creating a Form To create a form, navigate to your Studio, and then click on the 'Forms' section of your Content menu. Click the '+' button to add a form...

Preview website changes before you publish them

Last Updated: July 25, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.6.6.The 'Preview' system on your MereChurch is a great way to check out changes that you make without pubishing them to the world. Your preview pages update each time Sanity auto-saves. Draft changes update in real time to be visible anywhere on the si...

Design Tips when building your MereChurch

Last Updated: August 8, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.6.8.Here are some design tips when building your MereChurch. Colors All of our themes expect colors to behave in the following way: Primary Color should be your main brand color. It's used the most often throughout the site. However, the primary color ...