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Add pastors, people, and staff members to your website

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.

Adding staff members and pastors to your MereChurch website is simple! Just navigate to People > All People, and click the pencil icon to start adding people to your website. These people will be the available authors in your resource library, as well as used by the People block to fill out a Staff or Leadership page. 

Once you've created your new person, you will want to add a Name, and then generate a slug (a slug is just the document name converted to a format that will work in a URL, such as 'tim-cook' in the example above).

Profile Image lets you set a headshot for the staff member, and Category lets you assign the person to any arbitrary category (You can add and manage categories via 'People > All Categories,' or you can add a new one directly when editing a person by clicking 'Add New.'

Position Title, Email, and Biography allow you to add basic details for each staff member (Some themes will only show the Biography on a Staff member's individual page, while others may include it directly on the Staff page).

Adding People to a Page

You can add people to a page manually (such as when adding a single volunteer on the page for a ministry) or automatically (automatically add the entire 'Pastors' category to your Staff page) using the People block.

Adding people manually.
Adding all people in the 'Pastors' category.


Both options look identical on the page:

If you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch! We're here to help you with your MereChurch.