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Add forms to your website

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.

Your MereChurch comes with powerful tools to create and manage forms and embed them on your pages! 

Creating a Form

To create a form, navigate to your Studio, and then click on the 'Forms' section of your Content menu. Click the '+' button to add a form:


Name the form. 


The actual fields that will make up your form. There are several options available:

The types of fields that are available to you on a form.
  • Text Input: A plain text field. This field can be of type Email, Phone, URL, Date, Phone Number, Time, or Text. 
  • Text Area: A larger, multi-line text field.
  • Radio Group: List out a selection of options where the user can only select one (choice is limited)
  • Checkbox Group: List out a selection of options where the user can select more than one choice.
  • Single Checkbox: A single checkbox —useful as a required field to obtain consent to specific terms and conditions, for example.  

You can also set conditional fields with the 'Conditionally Show this Field' setting. If selected, you will be required to choose another field (and it's value). This current field that you are editing will only show up if the other field has the specific value you've selected.

Submit Button Label: 

What you would like the Submit button to say. If left blank, it will default to 'Submit'

Email Recipient: 

Choose who will receive notifications when a form submission has been made. Please note that we do NOT save entries on your MereChurch site itself — the emailed notification emails are currently the only copy made for your use.  

Conditional Recipients: 

Select people to receive form notifications only if particular form fields have been filled out. This is useful if you want to route a form submission to different departments depending on a selection, for example. 

Confirmation Email Configuration: 

Build and manage the confirmation email that will go out to the person who filled out the form. 

Email Field: 

First, choose the email field you wish the confirmation to go to. If you do not see the field you are looking for, ensure it is a Text Input with Field type set to email.

Finally, add an email subject, email title, and email body. 

Include Receipt of Form Submission 

Check to send the visitor a full copy of the form that they submitted. 

Email Body Cases

These are conditional pieces that you can add to the confirmation email depending on the user's chosen fields. For example, you can include an extra sentence about overnight accommodations at the men's retreat, but only if the visitor indicated that they needed lodging during the retreat. 

Adding Your Form to a Page

Once you've created your form, it won't show up anywhere by default: you'll need to add it to a page or an event. Navigate to Pages and click the page of your choice, or create a new page. Once there, scroll down to the 'Content' section and add a 'Form' block: 

Once you publish that page, users will be able to access your form and start making submissions! 

As of MereChurch 1.5, you can now embed forms on individual Events as well. The process to do so is exactly the same as described above. 

If you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch! We're here to help you with your MereChurch.