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"Why doesn't MereChurch include Feature X?"

MereChurch is built from the ground up to be super fast, super focused on church's needs, and super stable.

One of the ways this serves you is that you don't have to deal with years of legacy options, settings, and confusing toggles littered throughout the program screens. In general, MereChurch is really good at exactly what you need it to be good at: because that's the way we built it!

That said, if you think we should consider adding a new feature, you can definitely let us know! It's no surprise that a brand-new platform might be lacking some features that many churches might find useful. 

We have a full Feedback section on where you can make suggestions about the platform and vote on existing suggestions from other church leaders just like you. You can access our Feedback Platform here. 

Want more information about our platform updates (currently taking place about monthly) so that you can stay in the loop as new features are released? You can also find our full development changelogs from the link above.