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Edit your events calendar page

Last Updated: June 5, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.

As of MereChurch 1.5, it's now possible to build a replace to the built-in /events page that comes with your MereChurch.

Simply create a new page (You can't use the slug 'events', but anything else is possible, like 'calendar' or 'whats-next') and add whatever content you'd like to the page. You can add the 'All Events' block to this page to replicate the built-in events calendar functionality, and then add any blocks you'd like around this block to customize your events page to suit your church. 


Once you're done, just add your new page to your menu and you're good to go! 

If you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch! We're here to help you with your MereChurch.