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Add events to your website

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.

MereChurch comes with a robust events calendar. To edit this, you'll want to log in to your 'Studio,' then navigate to 'Events' on your 'Content' menu. Click the '+' icon to create a new event. 

(Quick Tip: You can also click the '+ Create' button in the upper left by your church name and type in 'Events' to quickly add a new Event from anywhere in the software).

You have all the basic fields you'd expect on your event editor: Title, Slug, Category, Start Date and Start Time, End Date (if it's a Multi-Day Event), Promo Image, Location, Maps Link (if you want to include directions via Google Maps or another mapping platform), and a Blurb that will show up on the event card.

As of MereChurch 1.5, Event pages now have access to all of the same blocks as regular Pages. You can use these to create rich, detailed page layouts to promote your events!

There is also a basic 'Registration' functionality: you can add a registration button and a link to an external site if you are collecting paid signups or similar for the event. 

Here is an example event page on the Olivet template. The URL to get to this event will be "/events/your-event-slug." 

Your added events will also show up on the main "/events" page:

If you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch! We're here to help you with your MereChurch.