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Add resources and sermons to your library

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.

Adding Sermons and Resources

From the Content menu, click 'Resources' > 'All Resources' and then click the pencil button to add a new resource. 

(Quick Tip: You can also click the '+ Create' button in the upper left by your church name and type in 'Resources' to quickly add a new Resource from anywhere in the software).

The following fields are required to publish a resource:

  • Title
  • Resource Type — the type of the resource, as of 1.0, only 'Sermons' is available here. 
  • Slug — used to build the URL of the resource — click the 'generate' button to quickly fill this in based on the title and Resource Type.
  • Publish Date — when your resource was published. If set to a future date, this will schedule the resource to be published on your site at the appropriate time. 
  • Audio File — upload the audio of the sermon or resource  
  • Video Link — paste the video link of the sermon or resource (as of Gospel 1.0, only YouTube and Vimeo are supported video sources)
  • PDF File — add a download file to your resource, such as a bulletin or handout (This does nothing on the front end, but is scheduled to be added in 1.1)
  • Promo Image
  • Content and Excerpt
  • Author, Topic, Series, Scripture — metadata about your resource. 

Adding Metadata to your Resource

Adding metadata to your resource is super easy —each of these fields allow you to add an existing item (say, a Topic called 'Faithfulness'), or create a new item in one of these resource groupings:

From your Resource editor, click the '+ Create New' button to pull in a new screen on the right, where you can fill in details about your new resource grouping. Once published, you can close out that window and return to editing your Resource. 

When everything is ready to go, hit 'Publish' in the lower right to publish your resource to the site. 

See also:

Manage Versions of a Resource

Delete a Resource

If you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch! We're here to help you with your MereChurch.