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Managing versions of a document (resource, page, etc)

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.

Your MereChurch comes with powerful version editing to keep track of all the changes you've made to any given document (a Document is any page, resource, event, form, or person record). To access the version history of a document, click the dropdown menu beside the title that reads "Latest Version:"

This will list all of the versions of the document since it was created. To roll back to a version, click the version you wish to move to. Your 'Publish' button in the lower right will change to a blue 'Restore' button:

The document fields will be greyed out and will display the contents of the older version. 

Once you click Restore, you'll be asked to confirm, and then document will change back to the older version. Note that you will need to click 'Publish' again to publish these changes made to the page. This will save as a new version at the 'front of the line.' You can always move back to the previous version if you need to!

(Advanced tip: Documents show an orange dot in their menu when they contain unpublished changes)

If you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch! We're here to help you with your MereChurch.