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Page Editor

Everything you need to know about adding and managing pages on your MereChurch website.
6 articles

Add and rearrange content on your homepage

Last Updated: July 25, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.6.6.Adding and managing the content on your MereChurch homepage is easy! The homepage is a special page on your MereChurch that is edited in a different place than your other pages. To edit it, just look for the 'Homepage' menu item on your Content men...

A complete reference to the MereChurch page builder

Last Updated: June 26, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.5Adding content and sub-pages to your MereChurch couldn't be simpler! Once your site is launched and ready to go you may need to add more pages to your site over time. To add a page, just click the 'Pages' menu on the far left —from there, you'll see...

How to make a page a child of another page

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.You can make a child page easily by filling in the value under the 'Parent Page' field. When you have filled this in, you need to click 'Generate' a second time underneath the Slug field. This will add the parent page's slug URL to the child page's s...

Advanced use of the Columns block

With the Columns block, you can create complex layouts on your MereChurch page. A Columns block can be between 1-3 columns, and sets off its content with a slightly different background color and padding. You can create various 'sections' on your page easily with a set of columns blocks. What if I ju...

How to delete a document (resource, page, etc)

Deleting something from your MereChurch is straightforward, but you'll want to make sure that it's not being referenced anywhere. The MereChurch platform protects you from deleting documents that are used elsewhere on the site, which saves your visitors from dead links!To delete a document, navigate...

Managing versions of a document (resource, page, etc)

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.Your MereChurch comes with powerful version editing to keep track of all the changes you've made to any given document (a Document is any page, resource, event, form, or person record). To access the version history of a document, click the dropdown m...