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Understanding the various settings on your MereChurch website.
8 articles

Manage your website menus and social media links

Last Updated: June 5, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.To manage your menus, navigate to your website Studio, then click 'Structure.' From the left-hand menu, click 'Settings' and then 'Navigation:' All of your website menus can be managed here: Your website main menu Your website footer menu Your social ...

Understanding the settings on your MereChurch website

Your MereChurch website is built from the ground up with your church website in mind. As such, while there are a few settings to manage, most features have been built to work well with the majority of churches who use our product. When you click 'Settings,' there are 6 screens with options, as well ...

Change your website body and heading fonts

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.(Note: We can load any Google Font into the MereChurch platform, but this is subject to a delay until the next available release. We also reserve the right to decline any Google Font suggestions that we don't think will be broadly useful to several of...

Add a temporary announcement banner to your website

Last Updated: June 5, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.First, log in to your Studio, and then navigate to Settings > General Settings. From here, you can change your announcement's text, link to a page, resource, event, or external website, and toggle whether or not you want the announcement to be visible...

How to add or edit your church's location

First, log in to your Studio, and then navigate to Structure > Settings > Location Settings. From here, we are going to set the 'text value' of your address, as well as the actual map coordinates of your address. Both will be used by the "Location" block to identify your church to potential visitors...

How to update the content in your prefooter

Navigate to Settings > Prefooter to add and update your prefooter content. The prefooter will show up just before the footer on all pages. Here is a visual example from Olivet:(The pre-footer is the green box above the footer). From the settings page, you can update the title (stay in touch), the bl...

Adding redirects or shortlinks to your website

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.It's easy to add redirects to your website. [...] A redirect is a line of code used to make browsers send users to a different URL than the one they were originally trying to visit. The new URL should contain similar information to the original, so it...

Add a temporary Coming Soon/splash page

Last Updated: June 5, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.With MereChurch, it's easy to add a Splash page to your site. This will show instead of your main site content. It's useful when you are just starting out and don't have enough content for a full website, OR if you want to temporarily hide your websit...