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Change your website body and heading fonts

Last Updated: May 30, 2024, as of MereChurch 1.5.

(Note: We can load any Google Font into the MereChurch platform, but this is subject to a delay until the next available release. We also reserve the right to decline any Google Font suggestions that we don't think will be broadly useful to several of our clients).

You can update your MereChurch's font by navigating to Desk > Settings > Customization. Simply update the 'Heading Font' and 'Body Font' dropdown fields with the selection of your choice. You can also set if you want your headings to appear in uppercase or not, and if your chosen font supports it, you can set a 'Font Width' as well. 

Available Fonts:

Andada Serif - body only


Anybody Sans (width can be adjusted from 50-150) - heading only


Caprasimo Serif - heading only


Crimson Text Serif - heading only


EB Garamond Serif - body only


Excon Sans (Olivet default font) - heading and body


Figtree Sans - heading and body


Gelasio Serif - body only


Josefin Sans (Anavim default font) - heading and body


Noto Sans (Acacia default font at 63%; width can be adjusted from 63-100) - heading and body 


Noto Serif (width can be adjusted from 63-100) - heading and body


Nunito Sans (width can be adjusted from 75-125) - heading only


Poppins Sans - heading and body


Public Sans - heading and body


Playfair Serif (width can be adjusted from 87.5-112.5) - heading only


Quattrocento Sans - heading and body


Quattrocento Serif - body only


Righteous Sans - heading only


Spline Mono - heading and body


Source Sans - heading and body


Trispace Mono (width can be adjusted from 75-125) - heading and body


Work Sans - body only

If you still have questions, please feel free to get in touch! We're here to help you with your MereChurch.